Thursday, October 2, 2008


I'll be honest I kinda stole this idea from my sister-in-law's blog. Where every Friday she posts "Five Senses Friday" where she writes what she's been feeling, seeing, hearing, tasting, and smelling for I'm assuming the week, or maybe for the day. And since I can't come up with an original idea I like, I'm just going to borrow her's. Just going to change it up slightly, instead of doing it every Friday I'm going to post on Thursdays, mostly because I work till 7pm on Fridays and usually go out with friends afterwards. Plus I figure it'll keep me posting more frequently.


Since it was my birthday last week, I took the $250 In gift cards I received and decided to upgrade into the world of HD and purchased a Blu-Ray DVD player and "Great Googly Oggly!" it is beautiful!
Upon the ceremony of opening the box to set up and install my new toy I noticed something that just made me chuckle. Of course inside the box you'll find the player, instruction manual (which believe me need!), remote, power cord, and this is what I laughed at; Standard audio/video RCA cables...If you want any kind of a low end HD picture you need cables similar to these...

I just found it laughable that even though you are spending $300 dollars plus some, Sony couldn't fork over the extra $6 dollars and give you a cable that will actually give you a high definition picture.

My best friends Grant and Amber got me Iron Man in Blu-Ray which I crisend my new player with that night. I also purchased A Nightmare Before Christmas two weeks ago in Blue Ray the second Ironman was over I immediately played it. Blu-Ray is so clear and beautiful I almost needed a moment alone with my setup. I just wish the world of HD was cheaper.

Broke and Disappointed!!! I was supposed to go to Vegas tomorrow after work to spend a weekend with my friends from down south in Provo for two of their birthdays. But as reality would have it my car started acting up... next thing I know my car is in the shop having it's water pump replaced and its timing belt changed; costing me a total of $414.57 cents. So needless to say I can't afford to go to Vegas now... (sniff) I'll just have to catch the next vacation that comes up...


Bath and Body Work's: Warm Vanilla Sugar. Say what you want; but I really dig this lotion! It's the only good smelling lotion that's not too girly and over powering.

I had a Meatball sandwich from Granato's today from lunch and i just can't seem to get the taste out of my mouth , I've drank a ton of water, chewed gum, and had leftover ham from last night since then and just can't seem to shake the taste of Meatballs. Not that I'm complaining I do enjoy Meatball sandwiches, but come on 7 hours is plenty of time for a lingering taste to leave.


I've kept my iTunes on shuffle the past week and stumbled upon a band I haven't listened to in a long time, called Jack's Mannequin. Seriously a terrific band, a great mix of Piano and alternative music. And come to find out a great band to listen to when you have your heart ripped out and trampled on by an elephant stampede; funny how music speaks to you like your best friend when you're down and depressed. And come to find out they have a new album out this past week which I should go buy when I get some more money.

Thanks Sara for letting me steal your weekly blog idea. Granted I didn't run it past you before I did this but, I'm sure over time you'll come to forgive me. I promise next week it won't be such a blatent rip off of your blog.


Laura Howard said... problems. Last Christmas the water pump in my Jeep exploded. That was not a fun thing to deal with at Christmastime. I'm sorry you can't afford to go on your trip now. That's a bummer. :(

The Wettstein Family said...

Um... even I dont' wear girly lotion... AND I'M A GIRL!!

miniSCHOF said...

I'll have you know that Warm Vanilla Sugar Lotion is more of divine gift from the heavens and less of a commercial lotion. And it is Awesome!

Aaron Allen said...

Jason, I think YOU'RE a divine gift from the heavens. I'll just let that float out there and awkwardly back out of the room...

Sara said...

copying is flattery right? I should have patented the "five sense friday" phenomenom so I could make a little something off of it- but seriously, I think I'm going to start a 5SF club for those who do it weekly...I'll put you on the list:)

The Gramber Bies said...

Grant used to wear that lotion, I thought it was really weird, but it does smell ridicously good, however we have a new smell!! Its Strawberry Fizz from Victoria Secret, smells like Nerds.. come to think of it thats perfect for you two :) jk you know I loves ya both, him more then you but that goes without say, him being my husband and all.


Sara said...

this is one of my favoritist places for photography and art, and this is where i got all those spooky pictures...

Sara said...

halloween countdown has started.
today's theme-
real ghost stories.