Monday, March 8, 2010

Please for the love! STOP with the 3D!!!

    There is a problem with world today.  No, it's not the massively tragic natural disasters that's struck the planet.  Yes those are horrible and my prayers go out to those inflicted by said disasters.  What I'm talking about is 3 out of five movies are coming out with 3D versions.  Look I'll admit its a catchy gimmick but the gimmick has worn out its welcome.  It's interesting to see once in a while; but not ever other movie thats released.

     The re-release of "Nightmare Before Christmas," in the 3D was interesting but left me I walked out of the theater with a headache a wish to see it on the big screen in it's 2D glory.  Then I saw Superman Returns in IMAX and in 3D.  Which was the worst experience I've had at a movie.  This is a perfect example of what not to do in 3D for a movie.  It would be one thing to see the entire movie in 3D, but "Superman Returns" had only segments in 3D.  Yes segments; you'd be sitting enjoying Superman fly around in IMAX then all the sudden big green glasses pop up and start flashing; meaning "Put on your 3D glasses now!"  I'm sorry but nothing takes you out of a movie more than being told to put on and take off uncomfortable, ugly, bulky ass glasses.  Look if you're going to make me wear glasses to experience a movie in 3D, can you make them not pinch my nose.

     But the worse is yet to come.  "Avatar" has changed everything.  I went and saw it in 3D and I'll admit it was very well executed.  Built to make the entire environment stand out, and it did bring me more into the movie.  There was no scenes that played off the "Wow, look at this object coming out at you, this is 3D, try and reach for it. "  No, it was nothing like that.  This is how all 3D movies should be done.  If the occasional huge, amazing movie was like this then I'd have no problem going to see the 3D version.  But I fear with the success of "Avatar," hollywood producers see this as nothing but more dollar signs for them.

     I went and saw "Alice in Wonderland" this past weekend in 2D.  The entre movie had objects being thrown at the screen, the typical 3D gimmicks,  Johnny Depp throws his hat, throwing fabric he's using to make hats at the Heart Knights, just the unoriginal things to make you go "WOW that was 3D!"  There's nothing worse than watching a movie in 2D and seeing all the things you know they did that just for the 3D version.  Honestly it wasn't that great of a movie,  it was entertaining don't get me wrong, but I won't be seeing this again till it comes on DVD.

     Please hollywood the 3D element is neat if at best.  But I hate going to a movie and putting glasses over my glasses.  If I don't then the movie is blurry and I'll have an even bigger headache.  Please actually put the time and effort into it and execute it like "Avatar" did.  Otherwise I'll redbox the movie, and then decide if I want to burn a copy of it or not.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Additions

So I know I said I'd be more on it with my blog and I haven't, for this I apologize.  I've been fairly busy lately, I've been working alot more which is nice cause I need the money.  I also started a new blog to help me basically diary my weight loss and so far it's going great.  Here's the link to my new blog  

     I've been putting most of my time and effort into that at the moment.  so you should go and read that blog cause you're going to get a much more frequent update as to what been going on with me.  Until thats over this blog is going to be more about my rants, music, and thoughts I have on certain subjects.  

     I also started a twitter called OneAngryBarista where I basically tweet all the things that annoy me that my customers do.  Which is alot.  You can search for it by typing in OneAngryBarista.    Well my lunch break is about over.  I'll try to post something new of more worth here in the next couple days.
